Wednesday, August 24, 2011


 If you know the?????the car had an expensive price in yng 2011
The first is the Bugatti Veyron
According to the news that circulated these cars prices reached 2.1 million pounds, the price may be as high as it is certainly worthy of this sports car because the car has the ability of jets to 1,200 horsepower or 200 horsepower greater than earlier generations. The resulting pair reached 1,128 lb ft of torque and power with it, the Bugatti Veyron is capable of accelerating the rest at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour (kpj) in 2.5 seconds.And only produced only 10 units for car sports fans should be very tempted with the possibility of offering the manufacturer of this car, with the view that Captivate do smua eyes shining in the light of the vehicle was speeding on the highway
Below is the result of Lamborghini car: with the last car Sesto element
Sesto Eroor is a pretty fantastic car, according to the news of this car was marketed in October 2011. price, reaching 1.8 million yng offered GBP.This car was also crowned as the car more expensive in the world. Futuristic light car is made of carbon fibre.With the V10 5.2 litre engine with a maximum speed of 431 km/h.In terms of strength and capabilities of the technology until it reaches a speed of 0 - 100 km/h in just 2.5 seconds. But because it was too light, the car could not have proceeded in Bali because attached to the regulation of the shape of this car the difference only... Can't road led and later the reserved track special racing, the car is just rumors manufactured 20 units only

