Tuesday, August 30, 2011

NEC Medias N04C thinnest androids from DoCoMo

Companies increasingly compete to improve celular each new output with the latest technology and-the-art in every output of each product companies like Android smartphone, samsung and sony ericsson, no Miss Japan DoCoMo also telecommunications companies inevitably lose to a not less sophisticated products that introduce the latest Android smartphone next month, according to the news that circulated the latest products from DoCoMo which give the nickname NEC Medias N04C.
From rumors that rumored several media companies with NEC  N04C Medias with size of the thinnest android smartphone on the market today
NEC Medias N04C measuring only 4.8 mm and weighs approx. 105 grams. Smartphones may be thinner in some parts, but the NEC Medias is the first most thin snow from top to bottom.The capabilities and other features are not severely affected by the thin.
The screen is 4 inches and is based on Google Android 2.2, DoCoMo will also display a 1Seg TV Tuner and Felica wallet mobile NFC services.Not only that DoCoMo also has other features were infrared-based data interchange and the ability of photographing quickly in the shooting.
DoCoMo said that commented on the NEC will be available on March 15, But DoCoMo has yet to inform. selling price of the new device.For pengemar aru technology will certainly be very looking forward to the launch of android thinnest samartphone that is not less in terms of the capabilities of existing products on the market, we are just waiting for the launch of the NEC Medias N04C
